Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Caregiver Resources

The list on the follow page is a comprehensive list of caregiver resources. It is well worth copying for future reference.

Source Workforce

AARP: This organization supplies information about caregiving, long-term care and aging, including publications and audiovisual aids for caregivers. The free online seminar Planning for the Care of Aging Parents is just one example of the educational resources provided. and
(800) 424-2277

Alzheimer’s Association 24/7 Helpline: Referral and support.
(800) 272-3900

Benefits CheckUp: This Web site, operated by the National Council on the Aging, identifies federal and state assistance programs for older Americans in each community. and

Caregivers Marketplace: A free service for family caregivers that offers savings and education on a wide range of goods and services for anyone who "gives, gets or needs care."
(866) 327-8340

Caregiving Online: The site pulls together other sites that offer information on maintaining caregiver health

Caregiver Survival Resources: The site aims to help others cope with the demands of caregiving.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: The official U.S. government site for people on Medicare.

Children of Aging Parents: A nonprofit, charitable organization whose mission is to assist the nation's nearly 54 million caregivers of the elderly or chronically ill with reliable information, referrals and support, and to heighten public awareness that the health of family caregivers is essential to ensure quality care of the nation's growing elderly population.
(215) 945-6900 or (800) 227-7294

ElderCare Online: An online community designed to provide comprehensive information and support for those caring for aging loved ones, especially those coping with Alzheimer's.

Eldercare Locator: A national directory of community services.
(800) 677-1116

Family Caregiver Alliance: Tracks action on key legislative issues of concern to family caregivers and offers advice on how to get involved in advocacy efforts.
(415) 434-3388

Family Caregiving Guides and Directories: A Department of Health and Human Services directory of Web sites for caregivers.

First Gov for Seniors: A Web site maintained by the Social Security Administration to provide an up-to-date overview of health, wellness and financial issues of interest to older persons and their families.

Healthy Caregiver: A magazine and online community dedicated to the issues and interests of contemporary adults caring for aging parents.

HomeCare Online: The National Association for Home Care’s virtual headquarters. NAHC is committed to representing the interests of the home care and hospice community.

Hospice Net: Organization provides information and support to patients and families facing life-threatening illnesses. Hospice Net is an independent, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization working exclusively through the Internet.

National Alliance for Caregiving: The NAC is dedicated to providing support to family caregivers of older persons and the professionals who help them and to increase public awareness of issues facing family caregiving.

National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers: Care managers are professionals who coordinate caregiving services. They can be helpful when family members are not able to play an active role.
(520) 881-8008

National Family Caregivers Association: NFCA is dedicated to making life better for all of America's family caregivers. Family caregivers focus on their loved ones’ needs; NFCA focuses on family caregivers.

National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization: The largest nonprofit membership organization representing hospice and palliative care programs and professionals in the United States. The organization is committed to improving end-of-life care and expanding access to hospice care with the goal of profoundly enhancing quality of life for the dying and their loved ones.
(800) 658-8898

Today’s Caregiver magazine: A print and Web magazine dedicated to those caring for loved ones, written for caregivers by caregivers and dealing with topics like stress and depression management, financial, legal and medical advice, housing and incontinence.

U.S. Administration on Aging: The federal agency that develops programs and information resources for the elderly and their families. (click tab for "Older People and Their Families" for a caregivers handbook that can be downloaded.)

Family Caregivers Online Newsletter: Online educational resource with practical information for family caregivers.

Leah Dobkin is a freelance writer based in Shorewood, Wisconsin. She has more than 30 years' experience working in the field of aging. She has prepared educational materials and articles for family caregivers, businesses and nonprofit organizations on this subject, has spoken at conferences and has conducted training for employees, employers and community service providers throughout the U.S. E-mail to comment.

The CareGiver Blog
Robert T DeMarco
The Alzheimer's Reading Room
AllAmerican Senior Care Weblog

"caregiver resources", "robert t demarco", alzheimer's, blog, caregiver, caregiver resources, dementia, elder-care, family caregiving

1 comment:

Care Giver said...

Excellent List of Florida caregiver resources. Thanks for the list!